Aspiring Bakers #8 : Bread Seduction (June 2011)


Bake or steam Bread, Buns or Pau. To join, post it on your blog between 1 June to 30 June.
Click here for details.

The closing date is 30 June 2011.
All entries will be compiled and posted on 1 July 2011.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

first attempt of macarons

i've been having a hard time uploading pics to blogger for 2 days!! found this new, fast and nice way to upload photos (:

i shall share about my happiest first attempt on MACARONS! i actually read and "research" about macarons for at least 3 weeks to prepare myself better (: to be honest, i LOVE macarons a lot! tried bakerzin, canele and many different places. macarons are exp yet worth the money (at least to me) . .

i tried the pink colour macarons (my favourite colour) since i dont know which to start first. i think because i over baked the macarons (fear of uncooked macarons) that's why it dont look as pink as it should be ): i read that i could cover it with aluminium foil but i have this attempt on cheesecake that the foil sticks to the top of the cake ): i need to continue experimenting macarons to check out how to bake it!

looking at those pics, you can tell, is my first time piping macarons. not too nice. but subsequently, i got the hang of it and it dont looks as bad (: i tried big and small shells to experiment their feet, baking time and more. i didnt went on to prepare the buttercream coz i think i'll fail the first attempt since i read about others who failed thrice and more. still, i stood by the oven PRAYING that there'll be feet. i slowly watch the process and YEAH!! FEET!! you know the kind of excitement (: (: (: i read that if first 5 mins you dont see those feet, you'll prob not see it. im extremely happy!! in the end, i choose GRAND MARNIER buttercream to go with it (: im soooo glad that my family LOVE it and they cant stop at one! x)))

anyway, im going to try many different method again to check out which taste better and which method would lead me to a failing macaron. also, the oven timing and temp so that i get the colour instead of brown ): not forgetting, learn to pipe it better! (:

those photos are here (: if you cant see it, try to REFRESH the page (:

WINNER of $20 3 inch sin voucher

dear all, as wendy is staying in malaysia and wouldnt be coming to singapore, so i choose another lucky one. this time round, i heed bakertan's advice and . .

TADA! the lucky one is CATHY!